Welcome to Open Minded Concierge

The Hamptons most experienced and effective concierge service.

VIP Service

Whether you need a rental home, reservations at the best Hamptons restaurant or a babysitting, pet-walking, dry cleaning-picking-up assistant, we've got you.

White Glove Treatment

To get the best of the Hamptons you will need the best resources and we know the best.

Summer in the hamptons

Taking advantage of the best the hamptons has to offer...

Summer in the Hamptons

Takes a veteran who knows not just the best places ...

Summer in the Hamptons

But best everything in the Hamptons.


We have the inside scoop to lots of things including where this guy is.

Safe Hampton

Safe Hampton is a one stop shop for your families Home Safety & Childproofing needs. Our professional home safety specialists can evaluate your home & install the products you need to keep your family safe at home, from child safety gates to removable pool fencing.


“If a disease were killing our children in the proportion that injuries are, people would be outraged and demand that this killer be stopped.” -Surgeon General C. Everett Koop

The CDC reports that unintentional injuries-such as those caused by burns, drowning, falls, poisoning and road traffic-are the leading cause of death among children in the United States. Safe Hampton wants to reduce that risk for children in our community as much as possible. To ensure your home is as safe as it can be contact us today to schedule a Home Safety Evaluation and Consultation.


Our professional safety expert can point out hazards in your home that you may not have considered, and assist you in choosing the proper safety products for your home. We will save you time and frustration. We know what will work for your specific needs without the trial and error that most parents face when attempting to childproof their homes themselves. Each year more than 12,000 children die from unintentional & PREVENTABLE injuries. More than 9.2 million are treated in emergency rooms for nonfatal injuries. Don’t let your child become one of these statistics. Injuries are most likely to occur in the home since that is where young children spend most of their time. Let us help make your home as safe as possible for your entire family. Contact us today to schedule a home safety evaluation.

Check out these great services that we also offer:
Playroom Foam Flooring Design & Installation
Playground Design & Installation Custom Tree House Design & Construction Rubber Mulch Installation Safe Nursery Design Car Seat Inspections & Installations